The Rocinho slum was allegedly taken without a shot fired earlier this month. But not all operations have been as smooth. Here, police patrol the Cruzeiro favela. Gun battles stemming from a 2010 raid on the Complexo de Alemão left 40 people dead. DPA
Rio Relying On Dubious Methods To Pacify Its Slums -- CNN
Brazil is hoping that hosting the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games will firmly establish the country as a global economic power. First, though, it must win back control of Rio de Janeiro's vast ghettos. Not all of their methods have been well received.
The men came under the cover of darkness. Armed with assault rifles, they grabbed Jonathan and whisked him away. He can't remember what happened next. He was, after all, once again high on crack.
Jonathan, who looks 10, or maybe 12 years old, is a crack kid, one of hundreds of homeless drug addicted children living on the streets of Rio de Janeiro. His father, a dealer, was killed by a shot in the face when Jonathan was a small child. "Mom was also gone a short time later," he recalls. His voice sounds raw and dry, and he's missing his front teeth.
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My Comment: I do not envy the Brazilian authorities whose responsibility is to bring order in this region of chaos .... for theirs is a job that will take years to make a dent .... if even that.