Servicemembers with 1st Marine Logistics Group participate in a five-day Operational Stress Control and Readiness Program, a course designed to help Marine and sailors identify and help fellow servicemembers with stress. Jacob A. Singsank/U.S. Marine Corps
Study Of Marines Shows Guilt Is Top Cause Of PTSD -- Stars and Stripes
A leading cause of post-traumatic stress disorder is guilt that troops experience due to moral dilemmas faced in combat, according to preliminary findings of a study of active-duty Marines.
The conflicts that troops feel can range from survivor guilt from living through an attack where other troops died, to witnessing or participating in the unintentional killing of women or children, researchers involved in the study say.
"How do they come to terms with that? They have to forgive themselves for pulling the trigger," says retired Navy captain Bill Nash, a psychiatrist and study co-author.
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My Comment: My father suffered from PTSD for years (he was A Soviet soldier in the Second World War). His close calls is what he remembered the most from his war experiences .... stories that makes me shudder when I think about it. But guilty .... no .... my father never felt that (at least to me). If anything .... I would say that he felt incredibly blessed and lucky.