Senate Rejects Easing Detainee Policy -- UPI
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29 (UPI) -- The U.S. Senate Tuesday rejected a defense spending bill amendment that would have eased the policy on detainees captured as terror suspects on the battlefield.
The Senate voted 61-37 to reject the amendment, which would have removed a section of the defense spending bill that authorizes the president to use "all necessary and appropriate force" and would have created a timeline for judicial hearings, The Hill reported.
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More News On The US Senate Rejecting The Easing Of Detainee Policy
Senate rejects effort to strip provisions on terror suspects from defense bill -- Washington Post/AP
US Senate defeats challenge to new detainee rules -- AFP
Despite veto threat, detainee provision advances in DOD bill -- The Hill
Senate keeps controversial detainee policy in defense bill -- CBS
Effort to ease detainee language faces harsh bipartisan opposition in Senate -- The Hill
Controversial detainee provision passes senate -- CNN
Senate Votes To Let Military Detain Americans Indefinitely, White House Threatens Veto -- Huffington post