Past deals with the militants have backfired, each time giving the insurgents an opportunity to regroup and replenish their ranks.
Reporting from Islamabad, Pakistan — Every time Pakistan hammered out peace agreements with militants, the results were disastrous. The groups grew stronger, and the toll their bomb blasts took on civilians steadily rose.
That history explains why anxiety is rippling through the country as talk builds of the prospect for peace negotiations with the Pakistani Taliban, the homegrown insurgency responsible for most of the suicide bombings and terrorist strikes that have killed thousands of people in recent years.
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My Comment: I feel like the character of Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog Day ..... repeating the same story day after day after day. These `peace talks`in the past never accomplished anything .... and I see very little to change this point of view. Proof of my skepticism .... Hafiz Gul Bahadur who signed a "peace agreement" with the Pakistan government in 2007 is now threatening to break it because the Pakistan government is permitting US forces to target his forces and the forces of his allies who are involved in the war in Afghanistan .... as well as attacking Pak Government soldiers.
Talk about "giving your cake and wanting to eat it to".