Russian Scientist Denies Helping Iran's Nuclear Program -- Radio Free Europe
If you believe the United Nations nuclear agency, Vyacheslav Danylenko is a weapons scientist who, for six years, used his knowledge of explosive detonators to help Iran move closer to its long held, secretive goal of developing a nuclear warhead.
If you believe Danylenko, he is "a computer dummy" who merely taught Iranian students how to create tiny synthetic diamonds for use in industrial grinding and polishing.
Danylenko, an ethnic Ukrainian who was born in Russia, recently emerged as a key figure in the latest report on Iran's clandestine nuclear program from the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
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My Comment: He may deny these IAEA claims .... but he did have a 30-year career at a secret Soviet nuclear weapons installation that specialized in making smaller versions of nuclear weapons .... especially creating high-precision detonators that could send a massive shock wave through a ball of weapons-grade uranium or plutonium, causing it to explode on cue.
Hmmmm .... sounds like weapons research with nuclear implications to me.