U.S. Air Force Looking For Allies

Air Force Seeks Allies Support As Budget Crunch Looms -- Aol Defense

WASHINGTON: The Air Force is turning to its allies for help as it looks to maintain a viable global presence in the face of coming budget cuts, a top Air Force general said today.

The service expects to get much smaller as the Pentagon's struggles to meet the White House deficit reduction goals and possible fallout from the Super Committee's failure to cut $1.2 trillion from the federal budget, Air Force Lt. Gen. Richard Newton said at an Air Force Association-sponsored event this morning. The assistant vice chief of staff wouldn't say how small the service may end up being. But Defense Secretary Leon Panetta recently said the Air Force may end up being the smallest its been since its creation after World War II,

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My Comment: In the Pentagon today .... it's every service and program for himself.

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