It is, however, reasonable to ask whether deterrents without the potential lethality of firearms might be better suited for college campuses. Encouraging all students to arm themselves with pepper spray, or offering self-defense instruction to all students, might be just as effective in keeping criminals away from college campuses as allowing a fraction — albeit a sizable cohort — of those students to carry concealed weapons. [More]Boy, they were doing their best to sound like they wanted to give all sides credence and then they pulled this horsesh*t.
See, thing is, if those alternatives are "better suited to college campuses," then they're better suited everywhere.
Tell you what, unknown editorialist--why don't we set up a test? You with pepper spray and whatever martial art you've gone to some summary classes on, against a psychotropic drug-addled sociopath with firepower that will take you out from a distance.
Ready, set, GO...
Sure are a lot of dumb people at institutes of higher learning...