Death Of A Dictator -- New York Times editorial
The United States and its partners have long struggled to understand North Korea, where a cruel system of fear, repression and paranoia keeps the country largely impenetrable to outsiders. They will have to work harder than ever to pierce the curtain — and manage stability on the Korean Peninsula — after the abrupt death of Kim Jong-il, the North Korean dictator, and the ascension of his youngest son, Kim Jong-un.
The elder Mr. Kim began planning for succession after suffering a stroke in 2008, but he seemed to have improved after that. Even China, North Korea’s main patron, expressed “shock” at his passing. The death on Saturday was officially attributed to a heart attack and announced some 48 hours after it occurred.
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More Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials On The Death Of North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-il
The power brokers behind North Korea's next leader -- Yahoo News/AP
A Chance for North Koreans -- John Lee, New York Times
How to Free North Korea -- Adrian Hong, Foreign Policy
Kim Jong-un, the child soldier, takes over in North Korea -- David Blair, The Telgraph
How to reunite Korea without going broke or creating chaos -- Emily Kaiser, Reuters
How to Reunite Korea Without Going Broke or Creating Chaos -- Emily Kaiser, New York Times/Reuters
Has Kim Jong-il brainwashed North Koreans? -- Kathleen Taylor, The Guardian
Kim Jong-il's death: Don't look for swift change in North Korea -- Joseph Nye, Christian Science Monitor
Life after Kim Jong-il: What next for North Korea? -- PJ Crowley, BBC
China’s Newest Province? -- Victor Cha, New York Times
N. Korean Leader Seen Extending ‘Kim Brand’ -- Bloomberg
The Cruelty of Kim -- Blaine Harden, Foreign Policy
Analysis: N.Korea leadership struggle would bring wider risks -- Reuters
A new Kim in North Korea requires even more US deterrence -- Christian Science Monitor editorial
Experts say transition of power to Kim Jong Un is far from certain -- Stars and Stripes
Young Heir Faces Uncertain Transition in North Korea -- Martin Fackler, New York Times
Is a third-generation monster North Korea’s destiny? -- Washington Post editorial
North Korea after Kim Jong Il -- Michael Green, Washington Post
Will Kim Jong-un Test a Nuclear Weapon? -- Eli Lake, The Daily Beast
Can Kim Jong-un Be North Korea's Deng? -- Isabel Hilton, The Guardian
Kim Jong-Il: Psychoanalysis of a Dictator -- Jason Goldman, Scientific Am.
After Kim's Death, More Questions Than Answers -- Steve Herman, Voice of America
Kim Jong-il’s Funeral a Very Kim Jong-il Affair -- Juli Weiner, Vanity Fair
The Pyongyang spring? -- Washington Times editorial
Kim Jong-un, Reformer? The Promise and Peril of North Korea’s Succession Crisis -- Gilbert Rozman, New Republic