President Obama’s Too-Rosy Vision Of Postwar Iraq -- Washington Post editorial
IN THE opening statement of his press conference Monday with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, President Obama managed to assert no fewer than five times that the war in Iraq is ending. No doubt the president’s reelection campaign hopes that Americans will absorb that message; but we wonder about the thoughts of Iraqis who were listening. The conflict in their country, after all, is greatly reduced but not over: Al-Qaeda continues to carry out terrorist attacks, Iranian-sponsored militias still operate, and a power struggle between Kurdish-ruled northern Iraq and Mr. Maliki’s government goes on. Many Iraqis worry that, after the last U.S. troops depart this month, the sectarian bloodletting that ravaged the country between 2004 and 2007 will resume.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Why the U.S. still can't count on Iraq -- Ed Husain, CNN
Obama hails end of Iraq war, but is it a victory for Iran? (VIDEO) -- Howard LaFranchi, Christian Science Monitor
Drone Wars: The Mullahs Strike Back -- The Washington Times editorial
Tighter Sanctions On Iran: An Alternative to War — or a Road to War? -- Tony Karon, Time
Leaving Syria’s future up to the Turks -- Benny Avni, New York Post
Is a U.S. military precedent being set in Africa? -- Walter Pincus, Washington Post
Vietnam Facing Economic Crisis? -- Simon Roughneen, The Diplomat
Arab spring could threaten Christians, warns archbishop of Canterbury -- Riazat Butt, The Guardian
Guantánamo Forever? -- Charles C. Krulak and Joseph P. Hoar, New York Times
Cholera Fallout: Can Haitians Sue the U.N. for the Epidemic? -- Susana Ferreira, Time
Comrades, we’re in a defensive arms race with Russia -- but that isn’t a bad thing -- Thomas E. Ricks, Foreign Policy
Don't let Voice of America broadcasts go static -- John Hughes, Christian Science Monitor