Pentagon Sees Smooth Change So Far In N. Korea -- CBS/AP
PYONGYANG, North Korea - All signs out of North Korea suggest the transition of power to Kim Jong Il's son is going smoothly, with no unusual troop movements and no buildup around the heavily fortified border, U.S. and South Korean defense officials said Thursday.
Pentagon press secretary George Little said that as of Wednesday the U.S. military has not seen any unusual military movements by the North Koreans.
"This appears to be a relatively smooth transition on the peninsula, and we hope it stays that way," he said, adding that there have been no increases in force protection levels for U.S. troops in South Korea.
U.S. Navy Capt. John Kirby, a Pentagon spokesman, also said the situation appeared to be under control.
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My Comment: I would take these Pentagon "observations" with a grain of salt .... especially since they do not have a good track record in really understanding what is happening in North Korea today.