Dusk Approaches For The Big Deck Nuclear Carrier Age - -Information Dissemination
Presented for comment. Confirmed by multiple sources, this is the very latest from OMB to the DoD regarding aircraft carriers and FY13:
The navy has proposed an additional 2-year schedule slip to its newest carrier, CVN79, which would extend the funding profile from the original 8 yrs to 12 yrs. The Navy would initiate the 4-yr construction process in FY15 after 8 years of advance procurement activities. Given the challenges of implementing the BCA caps, OMB allows the additional 2 year slip to CVN-79. However, the Navy should request authorization to commence regular CVN-79 construction in FY13 and continuing through FY18. The CVN-79 funding profile does not change, and because construction belongs in FY-13, there is no need for additional advance construction. The navy should work with OMB to develop a legislative proposal to implement this guidance. For the subsequent carrier, CVN-80, the Navy should include no more than 8 years total funding.
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My Comment: The Chinese have a different point of view. More news on China's aircraft carrier plans are here.