Is Assassination The New Normal? -- Casey L. Coombs, Real Clear World
UNITED NATIONS - The Tuesday morning car bomb that killed 32-year-old Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, a nuclear scientist at Iran's largest nuclear enrichment facility, marks the fourth such targeted killing of an Iranian scientist in two years, a practice widely believed to have been carried out by either Israel or the United States in order to hamper development of a covert nuclear weapons program; a program Tehran claims is solely for peaceful purposes.
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Who's killing Iranian nuclear scientists? -- Josh Levs, CNN
More murder of Iranian scientists: still terrorism? -- Glenn Greenwald, Salon
Will Iran Really Start a War? -- Victor Davis Hanson,
A Hezbollah Crack-up? Lebanon’s fratricidal extremists. -- Lee Smith, Weekly Standard
Nigeria's Boko Haram attacks are misunderstood as regional Islamist threat -- Vanda Felbab-Brown and James J.F. Forest, Christian Science Monitor
Nigeria: The spreading northern insurgency -- The Economist
The Future of Sino-American Relations -- David Gompert, Phillip Saunders, National Interest
Asia’s Nuclear Footprints -- Benjamin Ho, The Diplomat
World Citizen: Resilient Al-Qaida Struggles to Survive in a New Era -- Frida Ghitis, World Politics Review
Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa’s assault on media freedom -- Washington Post editorial
France's Surreal Presidential Race -- John Vinocur, New York Times
Planning for the worst is the best way to save the eurozone -- Jens Nordvig, Financial Times