Marines Urinating On The Dead? This Is War. -- Dan Murphy, Christian Science Monitor
The video of US marines urinating on dead Taliban fighters has shocked many. But the dehumanizing of the enemy was much worse back in the day.
"The culprits and those who trained them in such a way that these simpletons thought this was acceptable should be punished to set an example," says Pat Lang, a former special forces officer who fought in Vietnam.
"These Marines have embarrassed themselves and have disgraced their country and the US Marine Corps," writes Andrew Exum, who fought as a junior officer in both Afghanistan and Iraq.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Is Marine desecration video a new Abu Ghraib? -- Times of India/Reuters
Lara Logan: Video a "gift for the Taliban" -- CBS
Soldiers react to US Marine urination video -- BBC
Outrage at Video of Marines Urinating on Taliban Corpses: A Veteran's View -- Time
Analysis: Is Marine Desecration Video a New Abu Ghraib? -- New York Times/Reuters
Could the 'Urination Video' Become a Defining Image of the Afghan War? -- Yochi Dreazen, The Atlantic
Assad shows he is ready to fight the people of Syria -- Hassan Hassan, The National
War in Syria may now be inevitable -- Michael Weiss, The Telegraph
The Real Oil Shock: An Iran with nuclear weapons is the true threat to the world economy. -- Michael Makovsky and Lawrence Goldstein, Weekly Standard
Iran and the U.S. need a way to communicate -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
Dangerous Tension With Iran -- New York Times editorial
Has Israel Been Killing Iran’s Nuclear Scientists? -- Eli Lake, Daily Beast
What Not to Do About North Korea -- Victor Cha, The Diplomat
Why Taiwan’s Future Matters -- Su Chi, New York Times
Is Peace with the Taliban Possible? -- Jayshree Bajoria, Council on Foreign Relations
Why talk to the Taliban? -- Jackson Diehl, Washington Post
In Afghanistan, military success and overall failure -- Kori Schake, Shadow Government/Foreign Policy
Afghanistan's future -- L.A. Times editorial
Negotiating peace in Afghanistan without repeating Vietnam -- James Dobbins, Washington Post