Australia's defence minister has released a batch of internal "hot issue" documents that expose over 100 crimes, mishaps and delinquent behaviour by troops, including an alleged murder, sexual assaults and bar fights.
Among the incidents listed in the 116 documents, a corporal and a civilian member of an entertainment troupe were voluntarily sprayed with pepper spray in East Timor during an impromptu routine that was "not a formal part of the planned demonstration".
In another incident, a drunken Australian sailor in Jordan allegedly broke the finger of a hotel security staff member. One case involved an alleged murder of a baby in Queensland by a male soldier and his wife who was in the air force.
Five of the briefs involve alleged sexual assaults against children.
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My Comment: The defense minister had to react. Embarrassing revelations have been leaking out for a while, best to do the document dump asap and hope that the coverage will not be extensive.