On 10th Anniversary, Guantanamo Bay’s Future Is Unclear -- Washington Post
Just over a year ago, Saiid Farhi, an Algerian, was flown home from the military detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, after a federal court ordered his release.
No one has left since.
The string of victories that Guantanamo detainees enjoyed in U.S. District Court has been reversed by the federal appeals court in Washington. The Obama administration has insisted that restrictions imposed by Congress are so onerous, it cannot repatriate or resettle the detainees it has cleared for transfer. And as the facility approaches its 10th anniversary on Wednesday, human rights groups have bemoaned its seeming permanency and the Obama administration’s failure to close it.
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More News On the 10th Anniversary Of Guantanamo Bay Prison
Protests to mark Guantanamo prison's 10th anniversary -- Reuters
Guantanamo prison now 10 years old -- CBC
Guantanamo closure hopes fade as prison turns 10 -- CBS/AP
Gitmo, the US detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, turns 10 (VIDEO) -- Global Post
Guantanamo prison turns 10 years old, now enshrined in law and seemingly permanent -- Washington Post/AP
Ten years of 'Gitmo' -- and more to come -- CNN
Guantánamo Bay 10-year anniversary: timeline -- The Telegraph
In pictures: Ten years of Guantanamo Bay -- BBC