To Syrian Rebels, Hezbollah Is The 'Party Of Satan' -- The Telegraph
Watch this documentary, produced by Egypt's Al Jizah News, about the Free Syrian Army's operations in the largely "liberated" city of Zabadani, about 20 miles outside of Damascus. As the chubby man in the ski mask and the fatigues begins talking for the second time, at around 1:40 in the clip, you'll need to know only this smattering of Arabic: "Hezbollah" means "Party of God." "Hezbashaytan" means "Party of Satan."
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My Comment: The part of this report that caught my attention was the following ....
.... by bringing in mercenaries from Lebanon to shoot Syrian army soldiers who refused to fire on unarmed civilians – has got something to do with the mass loathing for Hasan Nasrallah's terrorist organisation. Hezbollah flags have gone up in flames in Syria alongside not just Iranian ones, but Russian and Chinese ones as well. To my knowledge, there is no intrinsic tribal conflict between Sunnis and Slavs, or Sunnis and Asians.
Hezbollah, Iranian, Russian, and Chinese flags being burned in public .... wow .... who would have thought that this was possible a year ago. If Assad should be overthrown, I can only imagine how difficult it will be for these countries to establish "cordial relations" with a new government that will probably be very bitter with these former allies of Assad and his rule.