Viral Images, The Military's Recurring Nightmare -- NPR
The U.S. military says it's investigating a video that appears to show Marines desecrating the corpses of Taliban fighters killed in Afghanistan. Regardless of those findings, the outrage in the Islamic world is likely to be severe, as with other disturbing images that have surfaced during U.S. wars in Muslim countries over the past decade.
The short video that went viral on YouTube, TMZ and other sites shows four men in Marine Corps combat gear urinating on three dead bodies, at least one of them bloodied. One member of group can be heard saying, "You got it on the video?"
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Study analyzes countries' cyber-power -- Space War
Russia says would be threatened by Iran military action -- Reuters
Canada's Prime Minister Harper details $25B Irving navy shipbuilding deal -- CTV
British military advisers fine tune front line kit -- Defpro
Iran denies shipping weapons to Syria through Turkey -- CNN
Covert action in Iran on rise -- Sydney Morning Herald
Russia Says Open to Compromise on Europe Missile Defense Plan -- Global Security Newswire
U.S. says will give no missile defense assurances to Russia -- RIA Novosti
U.S.: 'We Will Get Missile Defense Agreement' With Russia -- Defense News
Poland Set to Receive U.S. Missile Interceptors Amid Budget Cuts: Senator -- Global Security Newswire
US soldiers still guarding gates in South Korea -- Stars and Stripes
LCS Dives Into Irregular Warfare With New Mission Package -- Aol Defense
U.S. Wants Changes to E.U. Space Code of Conduct -- Defense News
Military Networks ‘Not Defensible,’ Says General Who Defends Them -- The Danger Room
Real Cuts, Real Jobs, Real Danger: The Defense Budget Crisis -- Aol Defense News
The Army after tomorrow -- DoD Buzz
It’s Got to be Team Play – The Navy and the US Industrial Base -- Defpro
Administration, Congress Undermine Health Of The U.S. Defense Industrial Base -- Defpro
Navy Successfully Links UAV Data To Helo In Flight Trials -- Aol Defense News
US killer spy drone controls switch to Linux -- The Register
Missed targets prompt US Marine Corps to arm unmanned Shadows -- Flight Global
Cyber defense effort is mixed, study finds -- Washington Post
Non-citizen recruits less likely to wash out -- Stars and Stripes
U.S. Navy Breaks The Wrong Record -- Strategy Page
Wikileaks suspect Bradley Manning 'should be tried' -- BBC
US military identifies all four 'urinating' Marines -- BBC
Marine testifies his squad leader told him to lie about killings in Haditha case -- L.A. Times
SMERSH: Stalin's Secret Weapon, Soviet Military Counterintelligence in WWII By Dr. Vadim Birstein -- Huffington Post (Book Review)
Military Faces Transition Point, Panetta Says -- US Department of Defense
Panetta: Military Will Be Smaller, More Agile, Deployable -- US Department of Defense
Some worry 'new' U.S. military focus on Asia is a muddle -- McClathcy News
War Dogs: Blumenthal Wants Improved Adoptions, Honors for Military Canines -- National Journal
Air Force Year in Photos -- U.S. Air Force