The Magic Christian* Redux

Reality is stranger than fiction. And be warned in advance--this links to something really gross. [Read]

This isn't overcoming fear--there is no test of courage here.  This debases the concept of true courage, of truly overcoming fear to do what one must, and of paying an ultimate price if one fails.

Who wants fame and prizes that badly? What the hell is wrong with the people who would think up this degradation, the people who would produce it and the people who would do it?  What "contestant" with any sense of dignity wouldn't tell whoever expects him to go through with this to go to hell?

What kind of degenerates would squander freedom paid for with blood, powder, lead and steel on such disgusting and perverted exhibitionism, and can a "culture" that embraces this truly expect to survive?

From the network "family" that promotes "progressivism," naturally, and one that hasn't told it's viewers a damned thing about Gunwalker. 

As an aside, it's telling how the feds will use health concerns over its consumption as an excuse to send armed raiding parties to keep small raw milk producers from selling to willing neighbors.


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