Quietly, U.S. Moves To Block Lawsuits By Military Families -- The Atlantic
Why is the Justice Department trying to make it more difficult for service members and their families to sue the government for medical malpractice?
Politicians and bureaucrats of all persuasions typically trip over themselves when it comes to praising the values and virtues, the courage and the sacrifice, of America's military families. East Coast. West Coast. Red State. Blue State. Democrats. Republicans. It doesn't matter. Everyone wants to stand up in public and say that brave and stoic military families should get the best that America can offer (cue the applause). Take the First Lady herself, Michelle Obama, who has worked consistently with and for these families since 2009.
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My Comment: Hint to all of my American readers .... just as the Justice Department is trying to make it more difficult for service members and their families to sue the government for medical malpractice, the same will be for the general public when the full force and impact of 'Obamacare' comes into being.