Azerbaijan Says It Uncovered Terrorists With Iran, Lebanon Ties -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Feb. 21 (Bloomberg) -- Azerbaijan’s Ministry of National Security said it uncovered a terrorist group with ties to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps, or Sepah, and Lebanon’s Hezbollah, state television channel AzTV reported.
The authorities have detained an unspecified number of the group’s members, who’d acquired weapons and explosives and were planning attacks against the Israeli embassy and a Jewish cultural center in Baku, the Caspian Sea nation’s capital, AzTV said today. They had also collected intelligence for Sepah, it added. The U.S. deems Sepah and Hezbollah as terrorist organizations.
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More News On Azerbaijan Uncovering An Iranian Linked Terror Group
Azerbaijan: Iranian, Hezbollah operatives arrested for plotting attack against foreign targets -- Haaretz
Azerbaijan police arrest 'Iran-linked' attack plotters: Report -- Times of India/AFP
Azerbaijan says it busts alleged pro-Iran group -- AP
Did Iran plot to kill Israelis in Azerbaijan? -- CBS/AP
New claims suggest sweep of Iran's covert plots -- CBS/AP
Azerbaijan arrests Iran-linked terror suspects -- Jerusalem Post
Azerbaijan arrests Iranian journalist as tensions rise over Israel and alleged Iranian plots -- Washington Post/AP
Terrorist group established by Sepah and Hezbollah disarmed in Azerbaijan -- APA (Azerbaijan)