I’d like to pretend there was some master plan, that the site you see before you crept out of our skulls fully formed. But the truth is, when Sharon Weinberger and I launched Danger Room five years ago this week, we were just winging it. We wanted to write about the things we thought were cool: the Pentagon’s super-soldier project; China’s cyborg pigeons; the Navy’s puke rays and lightning guns. So we did.
Sure, we had a few explicit goals. Most of them were quickly abandoned. We slowed down the cracked-out pace. We stopped covering martial arts and quit posting music videos just for the fuck of it.
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My Comment: Wow .... the Danger Room has been around for 5 years .... already !!!! Where did all the time go?
Yup .... I am a big fan of the blog, and it is one of my must reads everyday. My only beef with the site is that they only post a few stories a week .... never enough I say. Sighhh .... I know I know .... quality over quantity.
Here's to another 5 years.
For those who do not know .... The Danger Room's website is here.