Israelis Prepare For War With Iran -- Slate
Even ex-Mossad chief who opposes an attack on Iran seems to have given up.
JERUSALEM — After bombs went off near Israeli embassies in New Delhi and Tbilisi, and a man with an Iranian passport accidentally blew himself up in Bangkok, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu couldn’t let the opportunity pass. Yediot Aharonot, the country’s most widely read newspaper, reported Wednesday:
An updated list of talking points distributed by the national advocacy desk in the Prime Minister’s Office sought to connect the wave of terror with the international community’s efforts at tightening sanctions on Iran, and also to prepare the ground for a military option to stop Iran’s nuclear program.
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Update: Ten roads to Israel-Iran war -- CNN
My Comment: What a contrast in thinking. The Israelis are expecting the worse. The Europeans are accepting the possibility of war .... and warn against it. The Russians and Chinese are on-board with the Europeans. An
An updated list of talking points distributed by the national advocacy desk in the Prime Minister’s Office sought to connect the wave of terror with the international community’s efforts at tightening sanctions on Iran, and also to prepare the ground for a military option to stop Iran’s nuclear program.
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Update: Ten roads to Israel-Iran war -- CNN
My Comment: What a contrast in thinking. The Israelis are expecting the worse. The Europeans are accepting the possibility of war .... and warn against it. The Russians and Chinese are on-board with the Europeans. And the Americans .... they do not know for sure because the Israelis do not tell them anything. And the Gulf Arabs (Saudi Arabia including), are slowly approaching the Israeli point of view.
Read more ....
Update: Ten roads to Israel-Iran war -- CNN
My Comment: What a contrast in thinking. The Israelis are expecting the worse. The Europeans are accepting the possibility of war .... and warn against it. The Russians and Chinese are on-board with the Europeans. And the Americans .... they do not know for sure because the Israelis do not tell them anything. And the Gulf Arabs (Saudi Arabia including), are slowly approaching the Israeli point of view.