Although he was on public property, Monroe said he was told by police, "'you can't be taking pictures of us.'"Prove it, Monroe. It's not like you have pictures or anything.
Monroe was put in the back of the squad car. When he was released, he said he realized one of the officers had deleted all the video and photos he took. [More]
And far be it for "Authorized Journalists" to identify "the officers," although we do have names for their victim, an attorney, and even store owner Loy Bouaphaypengerprachan (and try saying that 10 times quickly).
And today's Authoritarian Pole-Smoker Award goes to comment poster pkt2313:
I think the guy should have minded his own business, it did not involve him so he needs to stay out of it, they might have been wrong but use a little common sense, do not but in police business. could have gotten his head busted open, of course, it would be wrong but, come on, if you were them, would u want everyone recording your actions???? even if you are right, would you? i would not and yes, it would make me a little mad. i say leave em alone and mind your own business. police have their hands tied enough. a long long time ago, they would have kept walking and not even looked over there. just a look from the police would have cleared the problem up. now everyone thinks they have to record every move the police makes, come on, if you hate the police that much, do not call for help when you get robbed, burglarized, traffic accident, etc.. just take care of it yourself.Just wow.
[Via William T]