Former Soviet Soldier Leads U.S. Army’s Culture Efforts -- FtLeavenworthLamp.com
Fort Leavenworth, Kan. — The act of burning the Muslim holy book is more than just deeply insensitive to the Afghan people, says the Army’s senior culture and foreign language adviser.
But, such acts can be avoided by service members in the future with proper training and cultural education.
“It’s a lack of cultural awareness training,” Dr. Mahir Ibrahimov said of the Qu’ran burning that took place last month in Afghanistan. “If somebody had trained them and explained that to them, they would have never done that.”
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My Comment: I have always been interested in how cultural differences impact military operations and conflicts. Reading this post .... it is clear that after 10 years of war and conflict .... many in the Pentagon are now sharing this sentiment also.
This is a must read post for those who are interested in understanding how cultural differences can influence and impact military operations and strategy.