In Reactions To Two Incidents, A U.S.-Afghan Disconnect -- New York Times
KABUL, Afghanistan — The mullah was astounded and a little angered to be asked why the accidental burning of Korans last month could provoke violence nationwide, while an intentional mass murder that included nine children last Sunday did not.
“How can you compare the dishonoring of the Holy Koran with the martyrdom of innocent civilians?” said an incredulous Mullah Khaliq Dad, a member of the council of religious leaders who investigated the Koran burnings. “The whole goal of our life is religion.”
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My Comment: When you read stories like this one .... that is when it hits you that life and culture is very different in a society that has been untouched by technology (with the exception of the tools of war) and outside cultural influences since the beginning of time. I do not recall the commentator's name, but he made a description of Afghanistan that has stood with me for a very long time .... Afghanistan is made up of a people who live in an environment and society that would easily fit into a society around biblical times .... the only exception will be the weapons, radios, and cell phones that the Afghans always carry.