U.S. Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Kameron Clark provides security while fellow members of the Kandahar Provincial Reconstruction Team deliver engineering training equipment to Kandahar University in Kandahar, Afghanistan, March 24, 2012. U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Timothy Chacon
U.S. Military In Afghanistan Orders Series Of Increased Security Measures To Protect Troops Against Possible Attacks By Rogue Afghans -- New York Daily News
Added protections are part of directive issued by Marine Gen. John Allen
WASHINGTON - U.S. military commanders in Afghanistan have assigned "guardian angels" - troops that watch over their comrades even as they sleep - and have ordered a series of other increased security measures to protect troops against possible attacks by rogue Afghans.
The added protections are part of a directive issued in recent weeks by Marine Gen. John Allen, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, to guard against insider threats, according to a senior military official. And they come in the wake of a spike in attacks on U.S. and coalition forces by Afghans, including the point-blank shooting deaths of two U.S. advisers in Afghanistan's Ministry of Interior.
Some of the changes have been subtle, others not so much.
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