As Tehran faces off with Israel, the United States and Europe, it's worth remembering how the Islamic Republic fights -- dirty and long.
With the possibility of a confrontation looming with Iran, one historical example that should command American attention in its hour of decision — but is being neglected — is the bloody conflict that Iran fought against Iraq from 1980 to 1988. It is worth recalling the fierceness of that struggle to gain some appreciation of the enormity of any decision by Washington to go to war with Iran, for it may foretell what Tehran is capable of doing when it feels its Islamic Revolution is at stake.
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Update: If Israel bombs Iran: Forecasting the next 24 hours -- D.B. Grady, The Week
My Comment: What is my take .... if Israel attacks Irans nuclear facilities, Ìran will have to (and they will) respond in kind. In short .... expect a shooting war that will be low intensity, but has all the potential of escalating into a major regional conflict.