Obama's Shift-to-Asia Budget Is a Hollow Shell Game -- Mackenzie Eaglen, Aol Defense
If you take the Administration's word for it, the most recent defense budget represents a sober-minded and far-thinking strategic shift from the Middle East to Asia, creating a smaller, high-tech force oriented increasingly towards inter-state conflict and deterrence. Many are even comparing the Pentagon's current vision with that of former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who sought to transform the five-sided building away from Kosovo-style interventions and create an agile and sophisticated military oriented toward the Pacific.
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My Comment: Is President Obama's shift-to-Asia budget just a "hollow shell game"? Hmmmm.... from where I am standing the US defense ebudget is just a reflection of a bigger "hollow shell game" .... which in this case is the entire US budget.
Trillion dollar deficits per year, a total debt of $16 trillion+, liabilities in social security and medicare in the tens of trillions .... yeah .... this is a "hollow shell game" to me.