Top U.S. Commander: Iran "Most Significant Threat" In Middle East -- CNN
The top commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East singled out Iran as the only country actively trying to destabilize and spark violence in the region.
"Iran presents the most significant regional threat to stability and security," Gen. James Mattis, head of the U.S. Central Command, said at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing Tuesday. "Its reckless behavior and bellicose rhetoric have created a high potential for miscalculation."
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Iranian Forces Exercise Targeting UAVs in Air Defense Drills -- Defpro
U.S. General warns of Syrian bioweapons, Iran threat --
Panetta Counters Critics on Israel With Missile Defense Pledge -- Bloomberg
Remaking Russia's Military: Big Plans, Few Results -- NPR
Russia to Hold International Conference on Missile Defense -- RIA Novosti
No policy shift from new North Korea leader despite nuclear deal -- Reuters
NK boosts anti-aircraft missiles to defend Pyongyang: source -- Korea Times
Testing Indian aircraft carrier in Barents Sea -- Barents Observer
China ‘close to buying $4 bln worth’ of Russian top interceptors -- RT
U.S./ROK forces show off air power -- US Air Force
Seoul fears delivery delays of F-35 jets -- Korea Times
US, Philippine drills planned near disputed areas -- CBS/AP
Exercise Promotes U.S.-Guyana Special Ops Capabilities -- US Department of Defense
A Year Later, Mysterious Space Plane Is Still in Orbit -- Danger Room
Military Buys Tiny ‘FirstLook’ Droppable, Flipping Robots in Bulk -- Time
Shrouded at Sea: Scientists Give Ships Invisibility Cloaks -- The Danger Room
Schwartz Defends Reduced Combat Radius for F-35 -- Defense News
Eglin launches first F-35 -- Air Training and Education Command
Eglin F-35’s first flight cut short -- DoD Buzz
Dempsey: Military Contracting Costs Must Shrink -- US Department of Defense
Special Ops Provide Great Return on Investment, Commander Says -- US Department of Defense
Lawmakers Challenge Air Force Budget, Drone Cuts -- New York Times
USAF Leaders Defend Global Hawk Cuts at Hearing -- Defense News
Military failing on diversity, harassment, lawmakers say -- Washington Post
It’s time to release the drone memos -- Washington Post editorial
Boeing Facing Lawsuit Against McDonnell Family Member -- Hazelwood Patch
Eight women allege rape, retaliation in U.S. military -- Reuters
Survey: More troops today need larger-sized uniforms -- Stars and Stripes
Dover mortuary pressed to avoid dumping of 9/11 remains at landfill, official says -- Washington Post
America suffers from ‘illusion of invulnerability’ - Putin -- RT
WikiLeaks Scoop About Bin Laden's Body Is Awfully Thin -- Atlantic Wire
Holder’s Terrorism Talk Leaves U.S. in the Dark on Drones: View -- Bloomberg Editors
UK Afghan death toll passes 400 -- BBC
At least 1,780 US military deaths in Afghanistan since 2001 -- Washington Post/AP