The isolated, friendless regime of Isaias Afwerki will find few international protectors against Ethiopia's military incursions
Ethiopia's military incursion into neighbouring Eritrea, reinforced by weekend follow-up attacks, has received remarkably little international attention – and no outright condemnation, in the west at least. Britain said it was "deeply concerned" but declined to censure Addis Ababa. The US piously urged "restraint". Eritrea's demand that the UN security council punish Ethiopia has been met by deafening silence.
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More News On The Ethiopia - Eritrea Conflict
Ethiopia stages fresh attacks inside Eritrea -- Al Jazeera
Ethiopia Denies Report That It Made More Attacks Inside Eritrea -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Further Conflict Erupts on the Horn of Africa -- IVN
Eritrea Backs Down -- News Dire (Ethiopia)
Eritrea says won’t be dragged into another war with Ethiopia -- Nazret
Ethiopia and Eritrea: At it Again…And No One Seems to Care -- Hayes Brown, UN Dispatch