Israel Won't Strike Iran In Coming Weeks, Benjamin Netanyahu Says -- The Telegraph
Israel will give sanctions on Iran a chance to work and will not attack its nuclear installations in the coming days or weeks, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday after returning from talks in Washington.
"I am not standing with a stopwatch in hand. It is not a matter days or weeks, but also not a matter of years. Everybody understands this," Mr Netanyahu told an Israeli news programme.
Mr Netanyahu has hinted Israel could resort to force should Tehran - which denies suspicions it is covertly trying to develop atomic bombs - continue to defy major powers' diplomatic pressure to curb its nuclear programme.
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More News On Israeli PM Netanyahu's Remarks On When Israel Will Strike Iran
Iran nuclear: Israel's Netanyahu warns on attack timing -- BBC
Netanyahu: No Israeli Strike on Iran in ‘Days or Weeks’ -- Voice of America
War with Iran is not inevitable, says Netanyahu -- The Guardian
Netanyahu: Strike on Iran's nuclear facilities possible within months -- Haaretz
Netanyahu: Attack on Iran not immediately in offing -- Jerusalem Post
Eying the Conflict Timeline with Iran -- Time
My Comment: If I am reading these news reports correctly, Israeli PM Netanyahu is hinting that an Israeli strike on Iran is not going to happen in the foreseeable future .... i.e. the next few months. What is my take on the probable reasons why .... the U.S. and others want sanctions and diplomacy to work, the world focus is on the civil war in Syria (not on Israel), and the most important .... Israel does not have the resources nor means to launch and sustain a successful attack .... in short .... they need U.S. help.