Defense: Beijing announces another double-digit jump in military spending as the U.S. disarms and sacrifices its defense budget on the altar of entitlement spending. We have many duties; the Chinese have but one target.
China announced this week that its military budget this year would rise 11.2% on top of a 12.7% increase last year. This does not bode well as the U.S. defense budget and force levels decline as a result of cuts mandated by our failure to come to grips with runaway spending.
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My Comment: I know that it is hard to project what the budget (or world) will look like in 1, 3, 5 or 10 years. But the trend of where the U.S. is going with it's spending is very clear .... huge budgets with (probably) huge deficits coupled with high interest payments. And when that is achieved, the threat to U.S. national security and prosperity will not come from foreign governments .... but to its own elected politicians.