U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. James Bradley uses binoculars to scan the area while providing security during a mission to a local fish hatchery in Afghanistan's Nangarhar province, March 17, 2012. Bradley is assigned to the Nangarhar Agribusiness Development Team. U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Greg Biondo
Five Disasters We’ll Face If U.S. Retreats From Afghanistan -- Marc Thiessen, Washington Post
In the wake of the recent events in Afghanistan, sentiment is growing to speed the U.S. military exit. Half of the American people now want to get out faster, and Obama administration officials are reportedly debating doing just that. Which raises a critical question: What would happen if we pulled out of Afghanistan? Here are the top five disastrous consequences of a precipitous American withdrawal:
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Update: More disasters America will face if we retreat from Afghanistan -- The American
My Comment: I do not share Marc Thiessen's worse case scenarios. While an American withdrawal from Afghanistan may be perceived as a defeat for the Americans .... this will be quickly replaced by the accompanying civil war and bloody conflict that will unfold when different factions move to assert their power and influence in the country. In short .... we cannot stay there forever .... the Afghans will eventually have to sort out there differences on their own .... and if that means going to war and splitting the country .... sighhhh .... so be it.