The insignia for the VMFA-122 "Crusaders" that was used from 1957-2008. The name and symbols were changed to Werewolves for four years, but the historic nicname and symbols were recently reinstated.
Group Blasts Marine Corps For Reviving 'Crusaders' Name And Symbols -- MSNBC
A recent decision by the Marine Corps to reinstate "Crusaders" as the name of its Fighter Attack Squadron 122 — replacing "Werewolves" — and adopting the red cross of the medieval Knights Templar was blasted as unconstitutional and willfully ignorant by a civil rights group Wednesday.
“I don’t know that the Marine Corps could do anything more to fuel the cause of jihad," said Mikey Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a nonprofit organization that advocates church-state separation. "It will directly end up taking lives and maiming members of our military."
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My Comment: Here we go again .... what was OK for decades is now politically incorrect because it will hurt the "sensitivities" of some Islamic group or community, thereby promoting jihad and other extremist behavior. Please .... as if Islamic radicals need a patch with a red cross on it to push them over the edge for jihad.