Panetta: Osama Bin Laden Influence Continues -- CNN
Osama bin Laden continues to assert an "almost spiritual leadership," even after his death, according to U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta in an interview with CBC over the weekend.
Materials seized from the Pakistan compound where bin Laden was found suggest bin Laden was pushing for further attacks on the United States and other countries, Panetta told Peter Mansbridge in a
Materials seized from the Pakistan compound where bin Laden was found suggest bin Laden was pushing for further attacks on the United States and other countries, Panetta told Peter Mansbridge in an interview aired over the weekend on CBC's "Mansbridge One on One" and on CBC's newscast "The National."
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My Comment: One more reason why I wish he was captured alive and staying at Guantanamo. But .... he is dead .... and yes .... his legacy of Islamic terrorism will continue.
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My Comment: One more reason why I wish he was captured alive and staying at Guantanamo. But .... he is dead .... and yes .... his legacy of Islamic terrorism will continue.