Secret Service Scandal Embarrasses Top Military Leadership -- FOX News
Washington – The top U.S. military officer says he's embarrassed by allegations of misconduct against at least 10 service members in connection with a prostitution scandal involving the Secret Service ahead of President Barack Obama's visit to Colombia over the weekend.
"We let the boss down," Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a Pentagon news conference. He said he regretted that the scandal, which also involved 11 Secret Service agents accused of cavorting with prostitutes at the hotel, diverted attention from Obama's diplomacy at a Latin America summit.
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Secret Service scandal: 'We let the boss down,' says Joint Chiefs chairman -- The Telegraph
Top US military officer: 'We let the boss down' over prostitute scandal -- MSNBC
Military men drawn into Secret Service sex scandal -- Sydney Morning Herald
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More News On The U.S. Secret Service Scandal And The Conduct Of Some Military Members
Secret Service scandal: 'We let the boss down,' says Joint Chiefs chairman -- The Telegraph
Top US military officer: 'We let the boss down' over prostitute scandal -- MSNBC
Military men drawn into Secret Service sex scandal -- Sydney Morning Herald
Secret Service scandal: 'We let the boss down,' says Joint Chiefs chairman -- The Telegraph
Top US military officer: 'We let the boss down' over prostitute scandal -- MSNBC
Military men drawn into Secret Service sex scandal -- Sydney Morning Herald
Marines tied to Colombia prostitution scandal -- Air Force Times
More military personnel might have been involved in misconduct before Obama’s trip -- Washington Post
More military may be involved in Secret Service scandal -- USA Today
U.S. agents, military brought up to 21 women to Colombia hotel: senator -- Reuters
Top US military officer: 'We let the boss down' over prostitute scandal -- MSNBC
Military men drawn into Secret Service sex scandal -- Sydney Morning Herald
Marines tied to Colombia prostitution scandal -- Air Force Times
More military personnel might have been involved in misconduct before Obama’s trip -- Washington Post
More military may be involved in Secret Service scandal -- USA Today
U.S. agents, military brought up to 21 women to Colombia hotel: senator -- Reuters