In Search Of Putin's Money -- Al Jazeera
People & Power investigates claims that Russia's political supremo has amassed a secret multi-billion dollar fortune.
On March 4, 2012, Vladimir Putin was elected to serve as Russia's president for another six years, and he is set to take up office following his inauguration on May 7.
To his supporters, such as those we encountered celebrating at an election night government rally in Moscow, Putin is a hero, the strong man who brought order to Russia after the chaos of the Yeltsin years. They love his carefully cultivated image: the horse-riding, judo black-belted, stand-for-no-nonsense action man who has taken the country back to its rightful place on the world's stage.
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My Comment: They said the same thing about Yeltsin, but when Yeltsin died there was not much to show for his years in power. But in Putin's case .... we will not truly know the extent of his wealth until he is out of power and/or he has passed away and his heirs take over. What's my take .... he is a very wealthy man.