The first Iron Dome anti-rocket system, was deployed on 'operational evaluation' near Beer Sheva in the Israeli Negev desert. Weeks later it successfully engaged multiple salvos of 122mm rockets fired from Gaza at the city. Photo: Noam Eshel, Defense Update.
House Lawmakers Want Rights To Iron Dome Weapon Tech -- The Hill
Defense lawmakers in the House have agreed to invest millions of dollars in the Iron Dome anti-missile weapon for Israel, as long as the United States can acquire the development rights to the weapon system.
Members of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces subcommittee elected to set aside $680 million to assist Tel Aviv in buying the Iron Dome weapon in its version of the fiscal 2013 defense spending bill.
Read more ....
Update: US Wants a Stake in Israel’s Iron Dome Technology -- Defense Update
My Comment: Congress is right to demand these rights. If we are paying for it .... we should have first dibs on what comes out of it.