I just got off the phone with Mike. He informed me that he's sitting up and had just finished "a strip of bacon, some scrambled eggs and grits, God love 'em," and was "awaiting judgment" on whether he would hold them down, but had high hopes as he was victorious yesterday over "spaghetti and meatballs and beef tips on rice."
He said "they're talking about letting me go home tomorrow," and had to hang up because his doctor came in the room.
He called me back a few minutes later and said he's scheduled to be released tomorrow morning and will be getting home healthcare visits from a nurse.
I observed this must mean they had the infection under control, and he said "We'll see, at least it's not progressing."
I also told him he sounded a lot stronger and more lucid, and he said that's because they've taken him off the medical marijuana so he's not stoned. I'd forgotten to mention he was being given Marinol in my previous posts.
We then had a nice conversation about anti-Federalists, Patrick Henry and the strengths and weaknesses of the Constitution.
He tells me he may be doing some posts later today--I'd be surprised if he doesn't.
Half-an hour later...
He called me back with some info on a potential story I can't talk about now, which led into a 45-minute discussion on approaching political and economic storm clouds, and I am very pleased to note that intellectually, he's firing on all cylinders. I'm very encouraged this morning.
He said "they're talking about letting me go home tomorrow," and had to hang up because his doctor came in the room.
He called me back a few minutes later and said he's scheduled to be released tomorrow morning and will be getting home healthcare visits from a nurse.
I observed this must mean they had the infection under control, and he said "We'll see, at least it's not progressing."
I also told him he sounded a lot stronger and more lucid, and he said that's because they've taken him off the medical marijuana so he's not stoned. I'd forgotten to mention he was being given Marinol in my previous posts.
We then had a nice conversation about anti-Federalists, Patrick Henry and the strengths and weaknesses of the Constitution.
He tells me he may be doing some posts later today--I'd be surprised if he doesn't.
Half-an hour later...
He called me back with some info on a potential story I can't talk about now, which led into a 45-minute discussion on approaching political and economic storm clouds, and I am very pleased to note that intellectually, he's firing on all cylinders. I'm very encouraged this morning.