Obama’s Misguided Wooing Of An Uninterested Putin -- Jackson Diehl, Washington Post
It’s becoming clear that President Obama regards Vladimir Putin as a prime partner for a second-term foreign policy. The problem is that Putin is refusing to play his part.
The White House’s bland announcement Wednesday that the Kremlin chief would not attend a Group of 8 summit at Camp David this week covered a rude rebuff. Obama had tailored the conclave to Putin, moving it from Chicago so that it would be clearly separate from a NATO summit. Earlier this month, Obama dispatched national security adviser Tom Donilon to Moscow to hand Putin what a Russian official described as “a multi-page, detailed document, whose main message is that Obama is ready to cooperate with Putin.”
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My Comment: I concur with Jackson Diehl`s analysis .... and I would also add the following. The Russian`s believe that they were mislead by the White House on the Libyan conflict, and as a result they do not trust this president. i expect this 'indifference' from Russia to continue until after the US Presidential elections.