NATO Summit Opens Against Backdrop Of Protests, Foiled Terror Plot -- CNN
Chicago (CNN) -- The road map out of the war in Afghanistan is expected to be drawn up by U.S. President Barack Obama and other world leaders when they gather Sunday at the NATO summit in Chicago.
Against a backdrop of massive protests -- and a foiled, homegrown terror plot that targeted Obama and others -- the summit will open with NATO countries trying to figure out how to meet a 2014 withdrawal from an unpopular war while shoring up Afghanistan's security forces.
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More News On Today's NATO Summit
World Leaders in Chicago Set To Tackle Afghanistan's Future -- NBC Chicago
NATO leaders seek common path out of Afghanistan -- Reuters
Forget protests: NATO summit's problem is Afghanistan -- MSNBC/Christian Science Monitor
Nato summit to focus on Afghanistan's future -- BBC
Deal on Pakistan Supply Lines Not Expected During NATO Summit -- New York Times
Protesters prepare for larger NATO demonstration -- Boston Herald/AP