Jalaluddin Haqqani, founder of the Haqqani network, points to a map of Afghanistan during a visit to Islamabad. Reuters
Pressure Grows On White House To Label Haqqani Terrorists -- The Hill
The top Democrats and Republicans on the House and Senate Intelligence panels on Friday formally demanded that the Obama administration “immediately” label the Pakistani-based Haqqani Network a terrorist organization.
The group has claimed responsibility for many attacks on NATO forces and the U.S. embassy in Kabul, but the administration has been reluctant to label them terrorists as it pursues negotiations with insurgents in Afghanistan.
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More News On US Lawmakers Wanting The State Department To Label The Haqqani Network As Terrorists
Lawmakers want Haqqani declared a terror group -- AP
Lawmakers want US to declare Haqqani a terror network -- AFP
US lawmakers want Pakistan's Haqqani Network to be dubbed terrorists -- New York Daily News
Terrorist Label Sought for Pakistan-Based Haqqani Network -- Bloomberg Businessweek
My Comment: This is long overdue.