Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, talk to reporters during a press conference at the Pentagon, May 10, 2012. DOD photo by Glenn Fawcett
Gridlock -- DoD Buzz
Like a novice driver ruining a manual transmission, Washington ground its gears to pieces this week, almost guaranteeing no real action on the major questions of the day until at least after the elections.
The House Armed Services Committee passed an authorization bill that adds billions to the Defense Department’s spending request from earlier this year, as well as keeps Navy ships, Air Force aircraft, and backs a new East Coast missile defense site, among many other things. Secretary Panetta and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Dempsey said Thursday that they oppose it, pointing out that Congress itself last year mandated that DoD must take its medicine as part of the effort to reduce the U.S. deficit.
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My Comment: Nothing is going to happen until after the November elections .... and even then ... I have doubts that anything will be resolved. My prediction .... get ready for sequestration .... and the enormous impact that it will have on the U.S. defense community .... a U.S. defense community that is ZERO prepared for this eventuality.