A spat between China and Vietnam over energy rights in the South China Sea intensified on Wednesday as Vietnam's biggest company called on China to scrap its plans to develop areas near the Vietnamese shore.
The disagreement, the latest in a string of arguments over the potentially energy-rich sea, erupted earlier in the week when China National Offshore Oil Corp. said it was offering a new batch of oil-exploration blocks inside the 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone granted to Vietnam under the United Nations' Law of the Sea.
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More News On Chinese - Vietnamese Tensions Escalating In The South China Seas
Vietnam Warns China to Halt Oil Bids in Exxon-Awarded Area -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Vietnam decries 'illegal' South China Sea oil bid -- BBC
PetroVietnam: Asked Foreign Firms to Not Bid for Offshore Blocks Offered By Cnooc -- FOX News
China-Vietnam spar over South China Sea -- UPI
Vietnam says China's South China Sea oil bid "illegal" -- Global Post
Vietnam says China offshore oil auction 'illegal' -- AFP
China opposes Vietnam patrol plane provocation -- Xinhuanet
China sends patrol ships to South China Sea -- Xinhuanet
China deploy surveillance ships to patrol South China Sea -- Times of India
China urges Vietnam to respect agreements regarding sea disputes -- Xinhuanet
China starts "combat ready" patrols in disputed seas -- Reuters
My Comment: Chinese - Philippine tensions are also heating up.