Thank you for the many offers of condolences. I probably won't get around to doing any more writing today than this post--there is much to do and I just need to take a bit of time off. The toughest part was being the one to tell my mother--Dad passed away early in the morning, and I had things set up with the nursing home so that I would be the one to get the call. Sometimes, all you can do is hold someone.
It figures Gunwalker would go stratospheric right now, and I've had to beg off several radio interview requests--I still plan on being on Armed American Radio Sunday night as it's on late enough that it shouldn't interfere with family obligations.
Also, James Towle tells me our voting efforts paid off and they won two Telly Awards. Thank you to those of you who supported this--it's very important to help programs like this grow
I was pleased to see NRA will score the contempt vote, and updated my piece calling for it. I do my share of letting them know when I disagree with them, so it's only fair to acknowledge them for doing the right thing.
One other thing, and then I need to go: Watch this from Rachel Maddow, blaming Mike Vanderboegh's "conspiracy" for Congress investigating Eric Holder. That's their total argument, total juvenile smirking and ad hominem, which is about what we'd expect, but it does show how desperate they are, and it really doesn't matter because the only ones who will swallow it are impervious to the truth anyway. Here's the way to deal with those who would dismiss this with ridicule: Make it about them saying the whistleblowers are liars. Because that's what you'd have to believe.
Please continue to hold off on email tips, etc. I'm going to post the comments I've received since yesterday and then I must be off. Part of me is straining to immediately get back into the fray, but I've been so occupied with family duties I have not yet had the quiet, solitary time I need to reflect on what the loss of the most important man in my life means to just me, and I quite frankly fear that even as I feel it coming on.
It figures Gunwalker would go stratospheric right now, and I've had to beg off several radio interview requests--I still plan on being on Armed American Radio Sunday night as it's on late enough that it shouldn't interfere with family obligations.
Also, James Towle tells me our voting efforts paid off and they won two Telly Awards. Thank you to those of you who supported this--it's very important to help programs like this grow
I was pleased to see NRA will score the contempt vote, and updated my piece calling for it. I do my share of letting them know when I disagree with them, so it's only fair to acknowledge them for doing the right thing.
One other thing, and then I need to go: Watch this from Rachel Maddow, blaming Mike Vanderboegh's "conspiracy" for Congress investigating Eric Holder. That's their total argument, total juvenile smirking and ad hominem, which is about what we'd expect, but it does show how desperate they are, and it really doesn't matter because the only ones who will swallow it are impervious to the truth anyway. Here's the way to deal with those who would dismiss this with ridicule: Make it about them saying the whistleblowers are liars. Because that's what you'd have to believe.
Please continue to hold off on email tips, etc. I'm going to post the comments I've received since yesterday and then I must be off. Part of me is straining to immediately get back into the fray, but I've been so occupied with family duties I have not yet had the quiet, solitary time I need to reflect on what the loss of the most important man in my life means to just me, and I quite frankly fear that even as I feel it coming on.