Entitlements Swallowing Up Federal Budget -- Max Boot, Commentary
The news today has been all health care, all the time. And understandably so. But amid the laser-like focus on the Supreme Court ruling upholding President Obama’s new health care system, it is important not to lose sight of the bigger picture. Health care is merely the latest in a long line of social welfare expenditures, going all the way back to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, which have swallowed up an ever-growing share of the federal budget—and the national economy.
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My Comment: Nothing in life is for free .... and President Obama's health care plan is certainly not free, requiring literally trillions of dollars in funding and support when fully implemented. My expectation is that taxes are going to be raised (more than what you can imagine) .... and yes (like in Europe) .... defense spending will be cut to the bone.