What the heck kind of acceptance signature is that? I can't tell if someone tried to sign something, stamp something, smudge something or just avoid putting any kind of acceptance mark on this. Ah well, the important thing now is they've got it, attention is focused on it, other efforts are likely, and it will be interesting to see how they bobble the hot potato.
Also of interest, the sanction standards set by the ABA. I'm advised to check out Section 5.0 beginning on page 20, and also aggravating factors in 9.22 (b) (c) (d) (e) (f). And these standards have been adopted in two jurisdictions of interest, DC and New York.
Looks like I have me some reading to do between now and the time the car comes to pick me up at 6. And it's been suggested I make sure who the driver is and that I'm not being taken out to a secluded country road...:)