Our growing national debt is a threat not only to domestic programs but to a U.S. tradition of an activist foreign policy that helped America prosper.
Drones, kill lists, computer viruses and administration leaks are all the rage in the current political debate. They indeed merit serious scrutiny at a time when the rules of war, and technologies available for war, are changing fast. That said, these issues are not the foreign policy centerpiece of the 2012 presidential race.
Economic renewal and fiscal reform have become the preeminent issues, not only for domestic and economic policy but for foreign policy as well. As the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm.Michael G. Mullen, was fond of saying, national debt has become perhaps our top national security threat. And neither major presidential candidate is doing enough about it. This issue needs to be framed as crucial not just for our future prosperity but for international stability as well.
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My Comment: Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm.Michael G. Mullen is right .... national debt has become perhaps our top national security threat. But when politicians are elected by voters who favor more from government .... while not paying for it with taxes .... a certain inability to sustain it with ever increasing debt slowly creeps in. The end result is best illustrated by countries like Greece and Spain .... it was great when it lasted, but all debts have to be paid one day .... and that day usually arrives sooner rather than later.