People on the pro-gun side, however, tend to carry on like fire-breathing fundamentalists at a tent revival. They meet any proposal to restrict weaponry or ammunition, no matter how sensible, as an attempt to give a toehold to the devil. [More]It is, you dunderhead! Note he doesn't flesh out specifically what he considers "sensible".
Sterile bee queen Rod Dreher, writing in the Brit press instead of his own magazine, would have "conservative" drones expend their efforts fruitlessly, and ultimately suicidally, by following him. And this is a guy who writes with an apparently straight face "To the extent that I care about economics and foreign policy, I would be likely to vote Obama."
And just to let you know what else he and his ilk consider reasonable and sensible, note:
If you’re a conservative fed up with the narrowness of thought on our side, we could use your financial help in building up this institution.Meaning be more like anti-gun neocon hero Bill Buckley.
Which means focus on the "con" in "The American Conservative." And reject them as utter frauds.