Massacre Feared In Syria's Aleppo -- CNN
(CNN) -- Fighting engulfed parts of Aleppo on Friday as world powers issued warnings of a government onslaught in the sprawling and densely populated Syrian city.
The opposition Local Coordination Committees of Syria reported a "horrific massacre" in the city's Fardos district, where regime forces indiscriminately shelled homes.
The international activist group Avaaz, saying it has spoken to witnesses, also reported violence in Fardos.
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More News On Syria's Civil War
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Syrian rebels brace for onslaught -- Sydney Morning Herald
Syria Conflict: Aleppo Onslaught Looms -- Huffington Post/Reuters
Syrian rebels bracing for 'mother of all battles' in Aleppo -- Haaretz
Syria Pounds Rebel Areas as UN Warns of Confrontation -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Syria army fires on Aleppo rebels as US fears massacre -- BBC
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Insight: Cautious on Syria, Obama moves to help rebels -- Reuters
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Fallout From Syrian Conflict Lands In Iraq, Lebanon -- NPR
Wounded Syrian regime fights back -- Victor Kotsev, Asia Times
Syria's dictator: as brutal as the world allows -- the Age
What next for Syrian crisis? -- Amin Saikal, Canberra Times
Russia and Syria’s Assad: The End of the Affair? -- Simon Shuster, Time
The Syrian regime is not a house of glass -- Fawaz Gerges, The Guardian
Challenges for Syria’s Neighbors -- Council On Foreign Relations
Syria and Obama's Strategic Box -- Gary Schmitt and Thomas Donnelly, Weekly Standard
Assad’s Useful Idiots: American policymakers tried to negotiated with the Assad regime for too long. -- Noah Glyn, NPR